The new norm: Are telemedicine, telePT and home delivery pharmacy here to stay?
Date & Time
Thursday, October 15, 2020, 10:30 AM - 10:55 AM

Technology has enabled healthcare professionals around the world to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients through apps like Skype and Zoom. Tools like telemedicine, telePT and home pharmacy have been drivers for continuing care and treatment and maintaining connection under these extraordinary circumstances. But does increased adoption of the technology mean longer-term change? Despite its benefits, the transition to virtual care may not be easy, ideal in every case or equally accessible to all. What are your concerns and challenges? What’s working? What can be improved? And if digital healthcare is here to stay, does that impact cost structures positively or negatively?

Dr. Teresa Bartlett, Sedgwick
Dr. Reema Hammoud, Sedgwick 
Allison Gmach, UnitedHealth Group

Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Breakout session